Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why do we need sport in life?

Doing sports should be a important part of our life. Throughout our history we have been  use to physical activities so we have it in our blood. Modern life has change our way of living making is sedentary. So practicing sports is vital for our health for example but not only. Sports are making us more optimistic about life, we see it with different eyes, it makes us proud and please about our self especially when we set up goals and we maned to fulfill them. Also it makes us better and is pushing us to become more efficient not only during a game to pass our competitors but also is transferring this motivation into the real life.

Also we like to see people practicing sports. We watch it on television, we are going to see life on stadiums because of the atmosphere and it is a chance to socialize.

I consider that we should do physical activities at least twice a day in the morning to start the day fresh and in the afternoon to "stay in shape".

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