Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is the link between food and a healthy life

There are many opinion about how should we eat, what should we eat or when should we eat. Some say that we should eat from anything a little bit and never abuse. I was the adept of this conception until last year when I decided to become a vegetarian (I did a lot of reading, I have watch all kind of documentaries and in my opinion I concluded that this is the best way for me), well I still eat fish but I will try in the future to give up on that too. After one year I do not regret switching my diet because I feel better, I have more energy.

Switching to a vegetarian way of life wasn't easy. After being use to a traditional cuisine that involved meat, all kinds of fried foods it was strange not to experience these kinds of tastes. Also I have did it very quickly without having a transitional period and learning more about foods that could compensate those that I do not eat anymore.  As a result I have lost a lot a weight. Now after one year I am almost back to my original weight and consuming foods and super aliments that I would believe that exists in these world.

I think that we are concentrated only to a few variety of foods, and we are consuming them over and over and over again while there are many many varieties of possibilities.

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