Friday, December 20, 2013

The big fussz about holidays.

I am sure that everybody has noticed that people act different around the big holidays like the Easter, Christmas or Hanuka just to name a few. They act like the end of the world would come. Every body buy for example more food then they can it (to end up then throwing it in January or worse they end up at the hospital because eating to much) or they over clean their house. Our homes needs to be cleaned all year round why should it be cleaner during the holidays it should be like this all the time. The same it can be said about other things. When it come to gifts, I think we should give gifts to people that we care all the time or no matter whatever the time of the year.

If I may present my view I prefer to live a balanced life that means that even during holidays I behave the same of course with exceptions. For example if my grandma asks me to help her with cleaning or to do shopping so that she can cook  the traditional delicious holidays cakes of course I will do it, I will go and "fight" the entrances of the supermarkets :).

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How technology has changed our childhood

I have received my first computer (shared with my brother) when I was 16. Until then I had little contact with computers, the internet was also in it's  infancy. I remembered that we spent our afternoons staying and playing all kind of sports outdoor (from playing soccer and basketball to all kinds of games). We also use to gather in small groups outside ant talk about everything.

Nowadays children not even that they grow up  with computers but they have also all kinds of gadgets, tablets, laptops etc. I think that it is a good think that the technology has evolved but sadly because of all these attraction that children have indoor they "forget" to go outside and  do things that we did, today children  rarely go playing outside or socialize in groups like we did.

Probably every generation will say this about the previous one. Probably in 20 years all these gadgets will be implanted in our bodies and today's children will say that at least they used the gadgets but they didn't carry them all time, they could disconnect from them any time if the wanted to ...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is the link between food and a healthy life

There are many opinion about how should we eat, what should we eat or when should we eat. Some say that we should eat from anything a little bit and never abuse. I was the adept of this conception until last year when I decided to become a vegetarian (I did a lot of reading, I have watch all kind of documentaries and in my opinion I concluded that this is the best way for me), well I still eat fish but I will try in the future to give up on that too. After one year I do not regret switching my diet because I feel better, I have more energy.

Switching to a vegetarian way of life wasn't easy. After being use to a traditional cuisine that involved meat, all kinds of fried foods it was strange not to experience these kinds of tastes. Also I have did it very quickly without having a transitional period and learning more about foods that could compensate those that I do not eat anymore.  As a result I have lost a lot a weight. Now after one year I am almost back to my original weight and consuming foods and super aliments that I would believe that exists in these world.

I think that we are concentrated only to a few variety of foods, and we are consuming them over and over and over again while there are many many varieties of possibilities.

Why do we need sport in life?

Doing sports should be a important part of our life. Throughout our history we have been  use to physical activities so we have it in our blood. Modern life has change our way of living making is sedentary. So practicing sports is vital for our health for example but not only. Sports are making us more optimistic about life, we see it with different eyes, it makes us proud and please about our self especially when we set up goals and we maned to fulfill them. Also it makes us better and is pushing us to become more efficient not only during a game to pass our competitors but also is transferring this motivation into the real life.

Also we like to see people practicing sports. We watch it on television, we are going to see life on stadiums because of the atmosphere and it is a chance to socialize.

I consider that we should do physical activities at least twice a day in the morning to start the day fresh and in the afternoon to "stay in shape".

Monday, December 16, 2013

What is work and why are we working?

I consider that we are working mainly because we need to survive.  By working we earn money that we use to buy first off all basic needs like shelter, clothes  and food. Of course depending on how much we earn we can fulfill other needs that can vary from buying a car to travel and relax. Working ours and conditions varies from job to job and from one country to other. Some countries like Japan have a very strong work ethic others are more permissive.

In life work should be balanced with other activities like family, sports learning/reading . There is a saying that anything that are doing in excess is harmful.

We also work because we have to have a meaning in life an occupation. Many jobs consists in building for example something, finding new things that makes our life better, teaching and educate people to name only a few which makes those who are doing them proud and they are feeling that are doing something useful for the society and helps them "keep on going". This is a subjects that one can talk or write a lot but I have tried to summarize in a few word what I think in general. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Upbringing of children in today's world

The upbringing of children differences from culture to culture and from family to family. In  western societies we can see a tendency towards a few kids in a family (usually 1 or 2) while in other cultures 4 - 5 children in a family is something normal. It is said that is hard to provide a proper upbringing for 1 or 2 kids by providing them with everything they need, here a good education is included. In western societies getting a good a education could be very expensive and many families do not afford having their children sent to top universities. Even so those who chose to go to universities can do it by contracting a loan that they will have to pay after graduation which won't be ease.. This is one of the reasons why these families don't have more children. 

But let's start from begging.   How some educate their children since they are very young. Modern and reach families start by teaching them foreign languages and good general knowledge. As they become older they start to work for the family business starting from the bottom to give them a taste o the real world. In other families children are left on their own being given the basic help they need to survive (housing, clothes and low level education), this could be because of the material situation of the family or level of culture and is up to them to realize what they have to do and not giving up when is hard.   

In my opinion is easier if you get a good start in liver (this is is influenced by the family you are born is) but if you are a very ambitious and conscious person you can succeed in almost any given situation (of course many factors can affect this saying).

Saturday, December 14, 2013

When do we move from childhood and teenage years and become adults?

This subjects has different answers depending from what angle are you approaching it. As I was told once by a nice grandma (who was back then around 80 years old) "my son is a child because is my child" even tough he was around 50. So where do we draw the line between being a youngster and an adult.

Some  would say that you become an adult when you start working and become independent. I have friends who started working at age 17 and others aren't working at 30 (they are graduating from one university to other). So the 30 year persons are still kids because they are living one someone's money, whether on scholarships, parents or other sources?

Others say that you become adult one's you start to live on your own, But what  "on your own" means? You can stay in dorms and the utilities and food to be payed by someone else. My uncle for example went to high-school in different city from where he used to live, so from since age 14 he hasn't been living with it's parents ...

The same we can say about old people who are not able to take care of them self because of age or illness. Are they old kids?

I think that the answer is somewhere in the middle and it is a combination of many factors. This post is part one of a series in which I will talk about how a person develops during it's lifetime. In the next post I will talk about upbringing of our children. I do not have any yet but I will write about what I think about this subject.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why are we here?

Is a question asked since the begging of humans. Me personal I am not putting much thinking in this but I like to read and watch documentaries about discoveries regarding this subjects. I believe that is a subject that is not of a very much interest for the ordinary people who are more concerned with the daily routine of or life (job, getting/preparing food, family, sports, travel, reading etc but mainly with the basic needs which are immediate and  preset more interest for the present).

This subject is from what I have seen a big challenge even for the illuminated minds that try to solve it like astrophysicists, philosophers or geniuses. Every time they discover something  there are very enthusiastic about the discovery but after that they soon realize that what they have just discovered only raises more questions and things to be discovered.

I believe that the work of this people is very important for our present and future experience and I admire and in the same time respect these people  because solving this enigma will be a great breakthrough to our dismembered  society.

I am anxious all the time a new documentary appears and I am watching it with all my interest.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

To be successful or the meaning of being succesfull

When I was little my grandma use to show me people and tell me this is a "successful man". Not really understanding the meaning (but I have understood that this is a good word something to be proud) of the word I was trying to see what makes these people successful. Looking in details I saw that  that were nice dressed, they took care of  themselves,  they were driving good cars you were able to tell that they had money. So I thought that being successful means to have money or at least in the capitalism culture.

I grew up thinking that this is what I have to accomplish. But how much money someone needs to have in order to be successful. Do you have to be rich or to have enough to be able to live a good life and support a family? And money alone is enough is there another thing? Well this is what I think. In order to be successful yes you need money but money alone is not enough you need the spiritual part also.  You can be very reach but if you do bad think, you do not help other people then your spiritual part is low and you don't feel accomplished even though you people who are seeing these persons from outside think that.

I agree that in order to develop your spiritual side you need to have money because let's faces is hard to do anything with your stomach empty :) but in the same time I believe that someone needs to develop it's spiritual side as much as it's developing it's financial side.

As time passes and I read all kinds of studies and book I realize that we are more we think, that we have mission in this world, each of us, a lesson to learn and do and after we learn or lesson we probably evolve to something else but this is another subject I will talk about.

Until the next post I wish you all a good day and stay optimist:)

At the beggining

I have decided to start this blog from the desire to share other people my experiences, my knowledge and to interact with other people in order to exchange ideas, goals and why not to socialize.

I will be writing about subjects from work to self confidence to what I understand that this world is all abut. I will try to advice, of course I will be opened to objections to things that I will write and show.

I will try to be all the time an optimist even tough is hard sometimes but I think that the good thinks start from this

See you in the next posts!

Thank you for reading.